
Group: DynoMotion Message: 10178 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/16/2014
Subject: Re: X axis bleeding into spindle & new issue:can't find myspindledef
Hi Rob,

The file is normally called MySpindleDefs.h not MySpindleDefs.c.  By convention files that only define common things to be included into multiple C files or programs are given .h file extensions and are referred to as "header" files.  In actuality the included file can be any name with any extension as the compiler simply includes the file it was told to include.  But the name and extension must match exactly.  The file to be included must also be located in a directory where the compiler has been told to look for files to include.  The simplest thing is to put the file to be included into the same directory as the file that includes it.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10186 From: Rjreese29 Date: 9/18/2014
Subject: Re: X axis bleeding into spindle & new issue:can't find myspindledef
Thanks Tom,

Thanks for the correction, yes it is MySpindleDefs.h

I moved all my custom .c & .h files to a new folder, it didn't begin to work until I renamed MySpindleDefs.h

All is working well.

Thank you!!


On Sep 16, 2014, at 5:40 PM, "Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


Hi Rob,

The file is normally called MySpindleDefs.h not MySpindleDefs.c.  By convention files that only define common things to be included into multiple C files or programs are given .h file extensions and are referred to as "header" files.  In actuality the included file can be any name with any extension as the compiler simply includes the file it was told to include.  But the name and extension must match exactly.  The file to be included must also be located in a directory where the compiler has been told to look for files to include.  The simplest thing is to put the file to be included into the same directory as the file that includes it.
